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Health Funds Recognising the Services of Lactation Consultants

These are the health funds that assist you to breastfeed:

HCF, NIB, BUPA, Peoplecare, CBHS, AHM, Police Health, Teachers’ Union Health, Defence Health, Navy Health, Health Partners

It is great that so many funds now recognise you are doing the best for your baby and yourself, that it can be difficult initially to get your breastfeeding relationship working well and to this end help you to get the assistance you require.

Here is a link to ISelect it is a site to help you find the fund most suitable for your family needs. You can enter the most important services your family uses and compares the prices of competing funds.

Research shows us that around 80% of new families experience some difficulties with breastfeeding, thats most people. However once you get over those initial hurdles (usually in the first 6 weeks) breastfeeding really becomes the easiest and of course the best thing! IMG_3144



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