Babies Weight
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Babies Weight

As health professionals we use weighing babies only as a quick guide (a screening tool) to confirm growth Lets see some facts about weighing babies The average birthweight of a term baby (37-40 weeks) is between 2,500-4,000g. Birth weight is a marker of intrauterine environment. These markers include length of pregnacy size of parents birth…

Useful Websites for New Parents
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Useful Websites for New Parents

There is SOOOOOOO much information available to us all at the tap of a finger, it’s great. However we need to be very discerning when it comes to getting good information, particularly when it comes to breastfeeding. Over more than 20 years of being a lactation consultant I have collected what I think are the…

My Breastfeeding Journey
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My Breastfeeding Journey

I recently did some interviews with the breast pump development company Medela for their revised website. The information on the revised site is really good and is all evidenced based. They have set the information out on a timeline starting with pregnancy through the first 6 months of your breastfeeding journey. You can pick out…

Our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters
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Our Indigenous Brothers and Sisters

Maternal and Child Health Nurse I have been working in my new job rotating between 2 remote Kimberley communities coming up to 2 months now. Indigenous babies Are the most beautiful babies in the whole world! Their sparkling shiny eyes watch every move you make, then when you start talking to them telling them how…

Want to know more about how your breastfed baby feeds?

Want to know more about how your breastfed baby feeds?

Then why not join this study at The University of Western Australia The Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group This research group right here in little old Perth is a very important world renowned research team that has studied many aspects of breastfeeding and discovered many new things about breastmilk, how mothers and babies feed and…

Want to know more about how your baby breastfeeds?
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Want to know more about how your baby breastfeeds?

Would you like to know more about how your baby breastfeeds? See the link below to the information sheet to find out more and to get contact details for this study with the Hartmann Human Lactation Research Group In Perth Western Australia. flyer_HHLRG_UWA_2015 It is really interesting and enjoyable being involved in research projects. Most…

Breastfeeding and Carrying the Future
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Breastfeeding and Carrying the Future

This is a facebook post from one of my totally awesome nieces, Casey!! She now lives in Florida USA. It was on Carry The Future, a facebook page specifically started to collect preloved baby carriers to give to refugees. What a brilliant idea. I’m going to unpack my old one today!!! This is such an…

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Breastfeeding through the years

I have had a long standing passionate desire to work with our indigenous people. They master breastfeeding so easily compared to the rest of us and I really want to learn from them how they do it so easily and successfully. My sister Debbie  also works as a private lactation consultant and has the same…

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Breastfeeding Studies at The University of Western Australia

Milk Profile We lend BabyWeigh scales to mothers who would like to measure their milk profile by weighing their baby before and after each breastfeed or expression from each breast for a period of 24-26 hours, at home, and collecting a small (<1 mL) milk sample each time their baby is weighed. From these data…

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Where to buy Spectra breast pumps in Perth

Breast pumps I now sell S2 and S9 Spectra breast pumps. I also stock a range of different shield sizes along with other spare parts. Most mothers these days want to be able to express their milk for their baby for a range of different reasons, contact me if you wish to discuss your needs…